Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Divine Conspiracy

I've finally managed to upload the audio for the Divine Conspiracy sermon series (yes, I stole the title from Dallas Willard - but the content has nothing in common). This is my response to Dan Brown's The DaVinci Code.

In the first, The Mystery of Israel I suggest that Brown's biggest mistake is forgetting that Jesus was a Jew. We cannot understand Jesus unless we understand what God is up to in the Old Testament.

In the second, The Mystery of Jesus I examine the life and ministry of Jesus. Finding clues that point not only to the humanity of Jesus, but also to the notion that he is something more also, I suggest that the best response to the mystery of Jesus is what do what Philip told Nathanael, "Come and see."

In the third, The Mystery of Salvation I investigate the nature of salvation, through the Old and New Testaments. We see, contrary to much common belief, that it is much more than merely being forgiven or going to heaven when we die - MORE not less.

Each link will take you to a page where you'll have the choice of listening via streaming audio of downloading an mp3.


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